Blackboard Learn ™


  • Blackboard Helpdesk Hours (Monday, April 27, 2024)

    Monday – Thursday 8 am – 10 pm
    Friday 8am – 5 pm
    Saturday 8 am – 5 pm
    Sunday 8 am – 10 pm
    University Holidays 8 am - 5 pm


    Please be patient and allow the phone to ring several times while the system locates someone to assist you. Should you arrive in voicemail, all support personnel are on the phone with other callers.  Please leave your name and contact information so that we are able to get back to you promptly. You may get a return call from an out-of-state phone number, this is the UofL Blackboard Helpdesk.

  • Tiktok不能看怎么办?有什么解决方案吗? - 知乎:2021-8-18 · 自备可用节点 安装 Quantumult(已有购买过的ID,看题住主简介,不懂私我) 1. 打开Quantumult 2. 更多 – 模块 – TUN+HTTP(Default) 3. 开启HTTPS解密并信任Quantumult证书,iOS12.3众下和iOS12.3众上操作略有不同: Randell Messina Photography - vpn连接:2021-5-6 · 中天控股集团有限公司(简称“中天控股”)是一家众工程服务、地产置业与社区服务、全产业链支撑为三大主营业务格局的大型企业集团,总部位于中国浙江省杭州市钱江新城。下辖中天建设集团有限公司、中天美好集团有限公司、中天西北建设投资集团有限公司、中天华南建设投资集团有限公司 ...

    If you are unable to login, please try this first. Clear the browser cache, close the browser, re-open the browser and attempt login. You may also try a different browser. We recommend Chrome and Firefox for Mac and PC. Learn how to clear your browser cache. Shortcuts to clearing cache (PC: CTRL+SHIFT+DEL, MAC: COMMAND+SHIFT+DEL). If you are experiencing a login error due to an incorrect or expired password, please contact vmess节点和ss. 20240116

  • ATTENTION PANOPTO USERS: DOWNTIME 8/15 9PM (Thursday, July 30, 2024)

    On Saturday, August 15, Panopto will be making a number of updates to the Panopto Cloud infrastructure to improve performance and scalability. These updates will require downtime. Panopto expects up to 3 hours of downtime, with a target start time of 9:00 pm EDT.

    During the downtime, you will not be able to access videos on your Panopto site, and any attempts to upload from recording clients will result in a "Server unable to connect" message.

    For any questions about this release, please contact Panopto Support online at You can also email us at vmess节点2022. 20240730


    On Wednesday,  June 3, Blackboard will replace the in-line grading tool, Box View, with Bb Annotate. Bb Annotate has more robust features, including the ability to use a stylus or apple pen, improved audio and video annotations, and can support additional file types. No current functionality will be taken away.

    Additional features include a sidebar summary view, freehand drawing tools, various color selections and much more. You will also be able to create a bank of reusable comments to provide feedback to students.

    You can learn more about how to use it here.

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